Friday, January 22, 2010

What's In Store For American Patriots?

Ok, in case you've been living under a rock or are particularly stupid, here's what's going on: Our country is being run by completely psychopathic criminals. Their hobbies include taking over third-world countries, bombing and forming death squads in countries that may be a threat to their corporate oil infrastructure or their international dope rings, and using a fraudulent banking system to amass enormous amounts of wealth in offshore banks. They've used social engineering techniques and propaganda techniques for a very long time through mass media, the education system, the healthcare system/industry, the banking industry, almost anything that people need.
After I woke up to all of these facts a few years ago, I tried to tell random, everyday people about it. Initially, I was shot down over and over by friends and family members as I tried to express to them what is happening to the country. Eventually though, after about $14 trillion was stolen after the "banker bailout" in 2008 and they realized that America might actually be in a lot of trouble (like I had been saying for over a year), they started to express that I may actually be right. One family member even attended a tea party and they seemed to be waking up finally. Disturbed by the recent events in our nation, they turned to Fox News as their primary television source. Although I was proud of them for becoming more politically active, it's no secret that the "tea party movement" was co-opted by Fox News, particularly Glenn Beck with his "9/12" project. GB used to have some good things to say about some of the "left-wing" corruption, but has been particularly hard on people who believe that 9/11 was an "inside job", even suggesting that they're "violent" or "could take down the country" (9/11 truthers are actually infighting with each other so much of the time as of late, the thought that they could succeed in "taking down the country" is completely absurd, but that's a different story altogether). What Mockingbird ops like Glenn Beck have accomplished is marginalization of a movement that the government opposes, so that the movement doesn't spread any further and so that their own family and friends will deem them "kooky", "crazy", "out there", or an "extremist". So even though I love my family, I've realized that I can't get through to them no matter how hard I try. The mind-control is just too much for them, particularly the older folks.
I personally believe that the mainstream media is what's directing our society and causing so many of us to want to retreat into things like facebook, myspace, twitter, etc so that we can still have our social stimulation with our family and friends and our minds will be occupied with "fluff" like Mafia Wars or FarmVille to keep us distracted, and everyone gets sucked into the "hive mind" mentality, but there's never any real "danger" to the social engineers of the population ever expressing any REAL, heartfelt discontent with the way our country is being run because everyone is doing what?...playing on their iPhones instead of protesting.
But you always have the few dissenters and difficult-to-control/manipulate kinds of people, who see what's happening and don't like it. So what do the powers that be do with THOSE people? Just ask Cass Sunstein, the ADL, the SPLC, or any other group that talks about "kooky conspiracy theorists" or "patriot groups", or "9/11 truth groups" or "domestic extremists who put up anti-obama posters", and they'll all tell you that these people who (largely) are non-violent and are merely activating their 1st amendment need to be on watch lists, or they need to be "monitored closely" by intelligence agencies, and some go as far as to say that these people need to go be tortured overseas. A good friend of mine likes to say "It is what it is". And this is hardcore tyranny, a slave grid is being put into place, the people who are trying to tell you about it are being targeted by the U.S. government and military industrial complex, and everyone's too absorbed in their facebook and myspace accounts and distracted by FarmVille and bejeweled tournaments to care.

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