Monday, December 28, 2009

Everyone Wants a Piece of Freedom Pie

by Sheree Vodak
December 31, 2009

So, Lieberman wants war with Yemen, TSA wants a new toy, annndd....we've all been "warned" by White House Press secretary Robert Gibbs not to question the Obama stance on the whole issue...what's going on, here?
False-flag terror attacks are a lot like Santa Claus, it least to bloodthirsty neocons, TSA personnel, and globalist control freaks. When the wreckage of 9/11 was still cooling, George W. Bush signed the PATRIOT Act into law (Did you know that the Patriot Act was PLANNED BEFORE 9/11?) . Since 2001, some of the most unconstitutional and privacy-invading/4th-amendment-violating laws have been put into place. Which makes me wonder: What would the U.S. government and intelligence agencies have to gain from terror attacks (or so-called "drills", like 9/11, 7/7, or the recent "Christmas Day Underwear Bomber")?

Well, let's go over the obvious ones (I say "obvious", because these are the most obviously absurd neoconservative comments I've heard in a long time):
1. No-bid contracts to keep Dope, Inc. up-and-running:
Apparently, Joe Lieberman thinks it's a great idea to go ahead and "pre-emptively attack Yemen" (Raw Story)(basically in retaliation for the underwear bomb thing). But if we GO to war, guess what happens? The military contracts get renewed and Afghanistan's steady supply of opium stays steady, millions around the world are chained to opium addiction, and the globalists make billions of dollars into their offshore accounts. The globalists used 9/11 to invade Afghanistan AND Iraq, and it's not too far out of the realm of possibility to wonder if the intelligence agencies and the executive branch is telling us the truth about what really happened in Detroit. Which brings me to my next point:
2. Gibbs has essentially told U.S. citizens to practice groupthink, doublethink, and goodthink and not to question our dear fuhrer regarding the Christmas Day underwear bomber. (Article by Kurt Nimmo) This action is very reminiscent of when George W. Bush told the U.S. not to "promote outrageous conspiracy theories concerning the events of 9/11" a few days after the towers were imploded demolition-style.
3. Invasion of the body scanners: Now that no questions are allowed to be asked and the RAND and Mitre Corporations have used the Tavistock method to efficiently scare the living crap out of every American citizen with help from this DoD patsy, the globalists can now take even more steps to make sure we understand that we're slaves...and TSA personnel can now pat you down like a criminal and want to see what's under your clothes by using terahertz waves that can shred your DNA! Yay!
4. Where'd this DoD patsy come from, anyway? And is he a possible victim of mind control? Numerous sources state that this guy was "staring into nothing" and his dad's a retired bank manager from Nigeria...not exactly Al-Quaida material. In fact, his dad tried to alert authorities that something weird was going on with his kid's extremist religious views:

The terror suspect who tried to blow up a Detroit-bound plane is the son of a Nigerian banker who alerted U.S. authorities to his "extreme religious views" months ago, it was reported Saturday.

The father, Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, a former minister and chairman of First Bank in Nigeria, is shocked that his son was even was allowed to fly to the U.S., family members told the Nigerian newspaper This Day.

The dad was meeting with security officials to discuss his son, identified as Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, 23.
The younger Mutallab was not on any no-fly list when he flew from Nigeria to Detroit through Amsterdam, Rep. Pete King (R-L.I.) told the Daily News.

"He was staring into nothing," Schuringa said.

This Day reported that the suspect has been known for extremist religious views since high school at the British International School in Lome, Togo.

"At the secondary school, he was known for preaching about Islam to his schoolmates and he was popularly called 'Alfa,' a local coinage for Islamic scholar," This Day reported.

Not only that, but he apparently was in a terror database already, he was able to get past security without a passport, AND there was a mysterious onlooker who was VIDEOTAPING the entire event taking place, including the "attempted detonation of the bomb"
5. Apparently, muslim-hating is back in style with Newt Gingrich's recent article in Human Events: "On Terrorism it's Time to Know, to Profile, and to Discriminate".

In this cryptic article, Gingrich uses all kinds of neocon tactics. First, he goes after the conservative Christian women:
We know they have an ideology which is anti-female, desires to impose fundamentalist Sharia as a form of law, is hostile to other religions and is prepared to kill the innocent to achieve their goals.

Then he says that "We know how to identify these enemies but our elites have refused to do so." What "elites" is he talking about? Rockefeller? George Soros, maybe? He speaks as if to imply that the "right wing" of the bird of prey has any less dirty laundry than it's Democratic counterparts (Oh trust me, they do. Everything from warmongering, training guerilla fighters in other countries to overthrow democratically-elected governments and form death squads in those countries, DynCorp's child sex rings in the Mid and near east and in Africa, etc...that's their specialty. I'm not saying the Dem's are any better, but it is what it is.)
Bottom line is, the neocons are obviously frothing at the mouth to be able to pull their side of the agenda through, while at the same time trying to appeal to all the true patriots out there by saying "hey, we're all fighting against the 'elite'...whaddya say we invade Yemen and put everybody named "Ahmed" on a terrorist list?" when the money from the wars and drugs from those countries is going directly into the offshore receivership OF the elite.

He then goes on to say something EXTREMELY asinine and something that should scare the crap out of anyone concerned about cyberterror laws or Internet 2.0:
The United States should track down the owners of every website that promotes terrorism and systematically root them out. It should be as dangerous to a person promoting terrorism as it is to execute an act of terrorism.
So, after 8 years of things like the PATRIOT Act slowly being drilled into our brain like a collective trauma-based mind control project from hell, where are we now? We're about to be in complete and utter tyranny, unless we say NO to all of this, right now. I'm not saying to follow ANY leader. YOU are in charge of your own life, you make your own decisions and live with the consequences (As very much evidenced in our latest choice of president). I just encourage people to not fall for the warmongering and "let's give up our liberty for freedom" kind of propaganda that ALWAYS follows events like the "Underwear Bomber" and any other obviously-staged terror attack.

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